The Fear by Rae Louise

Publisher: Black Rose Writing

Thanks to NetGalley and publisher Black Rose Writing for this ebook ARC of The Fear by Rae Louise.
Mia lives with her 5-year-old daughter, Louisa and her 17 year old sister, Jamie and their dog, Casey.
Mia and Jamie’s mother, Vivian just moved into a care home due to an illness, early onset Alzheimers.
The girls end up inheriting and moving into their Uncle Billy’s house. They begin experiencing paranormal activity. First the dog starts acting strange. And then Louisa starts talking about the shadow man who keeps coming into her room at night. And then things go from bad to worse and they need to come up with a plan on how to deal with the haunting of the house.
Will they figure out what is going on how to get rid of the evil that is terrorizing their family?

This book made me want to keep reading, it was extremely creepy yet kept me wanting to read more. It is a well-written book. I wanted to read this book mainly based on the cover as well as the description.
I give this book 4 stars and I recommend you read it.


the fear