Don’t Say A Word by Jennifer Jaynes

Don’t Say A Word by Jennifer Jaynes
Series: Strangers Book #3
Publisher: Thomas & Mercer

Death has always stalked single mother Allie Callahan. For the first time in her life, she has found a fragile sort of happiness, living a quiet peaceful life in East Texas with her son, Sammy and her adoptive mother, Bitty. 

Allie fears she may be affected by the same mental illness that destroyed her serial-killer mother and brother. She’s haunted by the idea that she could become unable to care for Sammy. 

When twelve year old twins, Zoe and Carrie arrive on her doorstep late one night, their parents murdered in a vicious double homicide, Allie’s strength and sanity are put to the test. 

What did the twins see on the night of their parents’ horrific murder? They are too afraid to say. Soon faced with a series of frightening phone calls, a rising body count, and the pressure of keeping the girls and her own son safe, Allie fears she’ll lose her mind – and her one shot at happiness – once and for all.

I give this book a rating of 5 stars. Another great read from Jennifer Jaynes. There were many twists and turns throughout the entire story and an unexpected ending. The book can be read as a stand alone or in the series. 


Malice by Jennifer Jaynes

Malice by Jennifer Jaynes
Publisher: Thomas & Mercer
Publish Date: September 25, 2018

Thanks to author, Jennifer Jaynes and publisher Thomas & Mercer for an ebook ARC of Malice written by Jennifer Jaynes.

Dr. Daniel Winters is living a fairy – tale life. He has a beachfront home in Malibu, a career as a respected pediatrician at a thriving practice in Los Angeles and a gorgeous new wife, Mia. 

This all seemed too good to be true as Daniel has struggled with mental illness, addiction and thoughts of suicide.

Then Daniel learns that a fellow pediatrician  and his family were slaughtered in their home. This is just the first chip in Daniel’s perfect life. Little by little, everything begins to fall apart. At work, his career becomes at risk when he is asked to remain silent about a dangerous new drug. At home, Mia has gone from an affectionate newlywed to a mysterious woman hiding secrets – and possibly even a lover.

Another doctor is found dead, and Mia’s behaviour becomes more and more suspicious. Daniel begins to wonder, is his paranoia getting the best of him or has his fairy-tale life become a nightmare worse than he has ever imagined?

I give this book a rating of 5 stars and I highly recommend reading it. As always, another great book by Jennifer Jaynes. I found this one quite a bit different than what she normally writes, but I was still pulled right into it and found it hard to put down. It was well written and the characters came together really well. There was lots of twists and turns until the end that I didn’t see coming.

Jennifer is one of my favourite authors, and I look forward to reading more from her!


I Care About Me by Jennifer Jaynes & Elfin Morgan

I Care About Me by Jennifer Jaynes & Elfin Morgan
Illustrated by Elettra Cudignotto
Publisher: Inkbug Media LLC

This is a children’s book about siblings Billy and Kate share all of the reasons why they want to eat delicious and wholesome real foods.
Its about the importance of fuelling the children’s young bodies and minds with nutritious foods.

My kids loved this book. It was filled with lots of good information and bright and colourful illustrations.5 stars and highly rated!

i care about me

The Stranger Inside by Jennifer Jaynes 

Publisher: Thomas & Mercer

I have recently received an ebook ARC of The Stranger Inside thanks to NetGalley and publisher Thomas & Mercer.

This book is about a mystery author Diane Christie. She is a widowed mother whom her husband has committed suicide.
Diane and her son, Josh move to a small town, Fog Harbor, Massachusetts.
Her daughter Alexa is attending college in the nearby town of New Cambridge. Alexa is depressed and Josh is beginning to act out.
Then a girl from Alexa’s college has been found murdered.
Diane also works at a crisis hotline, and then the murdered begins calling Diane and telling her she is the only one who can stop the murders…

This book was a quick and easy read, I found it very intriguing and it kept me wanting to read more. It was very suspenseful and the book had me guessing all the way to the end.
This is the first novel I have read by Jennifer Jayne’s, and I am definitely going to read more of her novels! I would recommend this book and I give it 5 stars.


the stranger inside

Never Smile At Strangers by Jennifer Jaynes

Publisher: Thomas & Mercer
Strangers Series Book #1

Haley (19) lives with her sister, Becky (15) and their depressed mother. Their father died in a gruesome accident about 7 months ago.

Then Haley’s best friend, Tiffany Perron (19) goes missing without a trace in rural Grand Trespass, Louisiana. Some people wonder if she has run away or has just decided to leave town. But Haley knows that something is wrong. The town launches a search to find her, but few clues are found. Tiffany’s boyfriend, Charles is looked at as a suspect, being one of the last people to see her before she goes missing. Also Tiffany had an affair with married man, Tom Anderson. Tom and his wife, Rachel are the talk of the town as locals wonder if they had anything to do with Tiffany’s disappearance. The Anderson’s then begin to notice someone in their backyard a few times and report it to the police. Locals continue to vanish, and they begin to wonder if they can trust those that are closest to them.

Haley and her boyfriend Mac have a really good relationship. Mac is always worried about Haley and her family. He is the perfect boyfriend. As things in Haley’s life begin to change, with her father being killed, and her best friend going missing, the only one thing she can count is Mac.

And then Mac tells Haley a small lie, and Haley wonders if she can trust Mac anymore. She decides to stop seeing Mac. She begins drinking and hanging out with her friend, Erica from work at the Luke’s diner. Erica then sees Mac’s truck at the Anderson’s house in the middle of the night while the husbands away.

Meanwhile, there is a twisted killer on the loose, whose mother was murdered only four years earlier. He has been forced to raise his mentally disturbed teenage sister.

He is terrified of women, including his sister. He develops a fear and a obsession about them.

I rate this book 5 stars. This book was a fast paced, well-written novel. An excellent psychological thriller. I definitely recommend that you read it! It will keep you guessing   until the very end. I can’t wait to read Ugly Young Thing, which is book #2 in Strangers Series.

This is the second novel by Jennifer Jaynes that I have read, and I love her style of writing. Her characters come to life, and her books are so hard for me to put down.

Never Smile At Strangers

Disturbed by Jennifer Jaynes

Publisher: Thomas & Mercer

Thanks to author Jennifer Jaynes and publisher Thomas & Mercer, as well as NetGalley for the ebook ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Five years ago on Halloween night, Amy Harris and Christine Douglas were brutally stabbed to death and Chelsea Dutton was severely injured and left for dead.
She was found in her apartments bathtub barely holding on to life.
Chelsea’s memory has pieces missing still from that night and her past. Ever since the Springfield Coed Killings she has tried to move past the nightmares and move forward with her life.
She has since moved to Boston and lives a rather secluded life. She works from home as a medical transcriptionist.
The only person that Chelsea has been able to trust is Elizabeth, whom was a nurse that she had met after the killings. And now Chelsea hasn’t been able to shake the fear that her attacker is out there somewhere and is trying to finish what was started. First, she starts receiving disturbing messages and is now starting to feel like her every move is being watched. She reports these messages to the police, and the message gets back to Detective Lang, he was the one that had found Chelsea barely alive in the bathtub.
Will Detective Lang be able to figure out what is going on and be able to keep Chelsea alive before the killer finishes what was started?

WOW! What a book! This book kept me wanting to read right from the beginning. There was not a slow part in this book. The characters came together very well, and the book was well written. The whole book itself was just mind blowing, especially the ending. It was an excellent psychological thriller. I highly recommend reading this book. I give it a rating of 5 stars.
I have never been let down by one of Jennifer’s novels!


Ugly Young Thing by Jennifer Jaynes

Publisher: Thomas & Mercer
Stranger Series Book #2

At the age of 16, Allie has already experienced a lifetime of horror, more than anyone should ever have to deal with. Due to mental illness she has lost her mother and serial killer brother. Allie ends up in foster care after returning to her childhood home in Louisiana. She is placed with Miss. Bitty, an odd older woman but, she shows Allie a new direction to a brighter future. But before long, Allie’s new life takes a turn for the worst, when young women in the area start turning up dead. And then she starts seeing shadowy figures outside of her bedroom. Then Miss. Bitty ends up chaning and is growing distant, and everyone around notices. Allie begins to wonder if it’s her fault, and a nagging voice inside is beginning to wonder if death has found her yet again… or if it has really left her?

This book was a quick read for me, I had it read in only a couple of days. It was so hard to put down. The characters came together very well. I did read the first book in the Stranger Series, Never Smile at Strangers. I found that reading the first book, made it much easier to know what was going on and how all of the characters come together. I can’t wait to start the third book in the series, Don’t Say a Word. I highly recommend reading this book and I give it a rating of 5 stars.
Jennifer Jaynes is by far one of my favorite author’s and I am yet to be disappointed by one of her novels!

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