How to Spot a Sasquatch by J. Torres

How to Spot a Sasquatch by J. Torres
Illustrated by: Aurélie Grand
Publisher: Owlkids Books
ISBN: 9781771472777
Publish Date: May 15, 2018

Thanks to NetGalley and publisher Owlkids Books for the ebook ARC of How to Spot a Sasquatch by J. Torres and illustrator Aurélie Grand.

Jay is determined to get a photo of a Bigfoot on his camping trip with the Junior Rangers. None of his friends believe in Bigfoot. But why, is there a giant footprint and who is stealing all of the snacks?

I give this book a rating of 4 stars. It was well written and had cute illustrations. This graphic novel would be good for all ages!

#HowToSpotASasquatch #NetGalley

How to spot a sasquatch